Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy vs. Synthetic Hormones: What’s the Difference?


As you get older, you may notice your mind and body aren’t as sharp and energetic as they used to be. This, to some degree, is normal, but many people experience significant drops in their vitality, indicating hormonal imbalances. Hormones control almost every aspect of your nervous system, mental health, and physical health, so it’s paramount to maintain balance for overall wellness.

In this article, we discuss hormone therapies, both bio-identical and synthetic, and why bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is the best choice.

What are Bio-Identical Hormones?

Did you know some plants, like yams and soybeans, have chemically identical compounds that mimic human hormones? These bio-identical hormones can supplement human hormone levels to restore balance. The chemical compounds match the molecular structure of human hormones, making it easier to identify areas of imbalance and fix them from the inside out. Because bio-identical hormones are similar to human hormones, there are fewer proven side effects, so people have less chance of allergic reactions because the hormones are sourced from nature.  

What are Synthetic Hormones?

Synthetic means fake, and artificial hormones are manufactured from various chemical ingredients, typically sourced from animals such as pregnant mares. Synthesized in a lab, these hormones are unnatural to the human body, meaning they don’t have the same molecular structure as human hormone receptors. Ergo, binding effectively may be trial and error, resulting in different metabolic responses and potentially more side effects or allergic reactions.

How the Body Processes Bio-Identical Hormones in Comparison to Synthetic Hormones

The human body immediately recognizes bio-identical hormones, making absorption easier. Conversely, synthetic hormones are less readily identified, and absorption and metabolic output are less predictable.

Bio-identical hormones have identical structures to hormones in the human body, so they can fit perfectly into hormonal receptors, facilitating a more straightforward restoration of balance. Because synthetic hormones differ in structure, binding human hormones is more challenging, limiting their effectiveness.

As for breakdown and excretion, bio-identical hormones are broken down and distributed like human hormones. This leads to a more natural metabolic response. However, synthetic hormonal release varies, and the breakdown differs for every human.

Effective Health Benefits with BHRT

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is the natural, holistic choice for individuals with hormone imbalances. Their natural structure makes them easier to bind with hormone receptors, fitting seamlessly into your body’s processing system to restore hormonal balance and alleviate imbalance symptoms. This includes reduced mood swings, stabilized blood sugar, easier weight management, and a healthier, happier outlook and better quality of life.

  • Hormone imbalance can mimic the effects of menopause for women, causing night sweats, extreme anxiety, and hot flashes. BHRT reverses these symptoms, bringing relief.
  • Hormone imbalance can be exhausting and frustrating, causing major depressive episodes. BHRT restores balance, bringing hope, happiness, and a sense of mental well-being.
  • Hormone imbalance causes low energy levels, chronic fatigue, and feelings of hopelessness. BHRT improves vitality, making you feel enthusiastic, motivated, and bold.
  • Hormone imbalance causes unexplained weight gain because of poor metabolic response and thyroid dysfunction. BHRT supports a healthier metabolism, reduces appetite, and makes it easier to manage weight.

When hormones are imbalanced, symptoms can be apparent, mainly when so many symptoms occur simultaneously. You may feel exhausted, unhappy, and frustrated, worsening your symptoms. With bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, you can bring back the energetic, productive version of yourself who sleeps better, feels better, has a better quality of life, and has a more positive outlook. You can feel like yourself again!

Developing Personalized Treatment for BHRT with Sota Wellness

When you come to Sota Wellness, we assess your current hormone levels, comprising a detailed evaluation of testing to document your hormonal imbalance. We encourage you to bring healthcare documents and medical history if you have a predisposition to past hormone imbalances. Working from the evaluation, we can identify deficiencies and develop a personalized treatment plan for bio-identical hormone replacement therapies.

Sticking to a bio-identical hormone replacement therapy routine is only half the plan. At Sota Wellness, we offer tools and advice on changing your lifestyle to make better choices and improve the likelihood that you’ll get the best results from BHRT.

For example, a nutritious, wholesome diet is essential. While junk food is okay in moderation, your diet should mainly be comprised of fresh veggies and fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean meats. You should also strive to exercise 3-4 times per week for 45 to 60 minutes each time, and exercises can be something you love, like weightlifting, jogging, or dancing around the living room to your favorite music. The point is to make healthier decisions, bettering your wellness journey through BHRT and lifestyle choices. 

Stress can be detrimental to bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Stress releases cortisol, a damaging hormone that disrupts the distribution of hormonal balance. When you’re trying to regain balance, it can be challenging when you experience a daily excess of stress. While utilizing BHRT, we at Sota Wellness encourage you to find outlets for your stress. Learn yoga, take up meditation and mindfulness, and develop self-care routines conducive to relaxation. These habits are excellent for helping to maintain your cortisol levels while on BHRT, but they can also be helpful for the future, accomplishing long-term hormonal balance.

Take the First Step with Sota Wellness Today!

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance can strike at any time, especially as you age. Taking care of yourself with nourishing lifestyle habits is an effective way to stave off imbalance, but it’s not guaranteed. Complementing a healthy lifestyle with BHRT from Sota Wellness makes it easier to maintain vitality, regardless of how old you are. We offer a patient-centered approach, encouraging you to communicate with us to help us help you to the fullest extent.

Sota Wellness professionals are experienced experts who are knowledgeable about hormonal imbalances and the restorative power of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. To learn more, feel free to call us with questions or concerns and to schedule an initial consultation.


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