Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women​

Unlocking the Hormone Puzzle for Better Health and Wellness​

The Key to Living Healthier and Happier

Suffering from hot flashes? Dealing with weight gain? Worried about bone density loss or insomnia? These can all be symptoms of the body’s natural reduction in hormone production. However, you don’t have to let nature have its way. You can live a happier, healthier life thanks to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for women.

At Sota Wellness, our team takes a personalized approach to helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. We believe that every individual has the right to feel happy, healthy, and strong and that it is our duty to provide cutting-edge treatments proven capable of helping you achieve that.

BHRT for women is one way we help you fight back against the natural decline in hormone levels. It is possible to lose weight, feel stronger, boost your libido, and stop hot flashes in their tracks!

What Is BHRT for Women?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a proven treatment to help restore your body’s hormone levels. At Sota Wellness, we use hormones biologically identical to your own, which means fewer side effects than what’s possible using synthetic hormones. And BHRT for women can help you look and feel decades younger! Our patients regularly tell us they feel:

· Stronger and more energetic
· More mentally engaged
· Happier and healthier
· More like their “old selves”


What Can Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Treat?


As a woman’s body ages, it begins to enter perimenopause, which can last for years. Next comes menopause, and then post-menopause. Each stage is marked by different symptoms, some of which can be incredibly uncomfortable. Others can degrade your quality of life. BHRT for women can help you fight back against the symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause by boosting your body’s hormone levels.

Some of the most common symptoms our patients experience before trying BHRT include the following:

· Mood swings/irritability
· Hot flashes
· Depression and anxiety
· Reduced libido
· Heart palpitations
· Night sweats and insomnia
· Joint pain
· Severe headaches
· Increased abdominal fat deposits
· Vaginal dryness
· Bone density loss (osteoporosis)
· Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy the Right Treatment for Me?

While BHRT has offered hope and better health to millions of women in America, there is no one-size-fits-all process. We’ll sit down with you and discuss your medical history, as well as your health and lifestyle goals. The process will also include blood tests to identify hormone levels and other underlying conditions, to treat the cause of your symptoms, rather than just the symptoms themselves.

Once we have a full picture of your physical, mental, and emotional health, we’ll create a customized treatment plan. Each patient’s BHRT experience is unique, with a blend of bioidentical hormones specific to their physiological needs. Your blend may include any or all of the following hormones:

· Stronger and more energetic
· More mentally engaged
· Happier and healthier
· More like their “old selves”


Are you ready to change your life for the better?

More energy, lasting weight loss, and improved health and wellness can be yours. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.