GLP-1 Medications vs. Traditional Diet Plans: What’s More Effective?

Diet Plan And Weight Loss

Various approaches to weight loss exist, and they have yet to be proven to work indefinitely. Loads of fad diets pop up annually, giving a sliver of hope to people who want to shed pounds and finally keep them off. Unfortunately, while there are successes with some fad diets, most people ultimately gain the weight back, and then some, because trends are typically unsustainable.

GLP-1 medications have become a popular weight loss option in recent years, replacing fad diets as a go-to for sustainable weight loss. However, which method is more effective between traditional weight loss and GLP-1 medications?

This blog examines GLP-1 medications and traditional weight loss methods, identifying which leads to more sustainable, long-term weight loss. Interested in learning more? Call Sota Wellness after you’re done reading!

An Overview of GLP-1 Medications: Side Effects and How They Work

For years, GLP-1, also known as glucagon-like peptide-1, has been used to stabilize blood sugars and treat metabolic dysfunction in people with type 2 diabetes. However, it wasn’t until recently that the medications became available as a weight loss solution. These medications do similar things to those used to treat type 2 diabetes, but they are geared toward weight loss, specifically, offering appetite control and blood sugar stabilization.

How do they work?

GLP-1 medications slow the gastric process, making you feel fuller for longer while your stomach takes a longer time to empty. This decreases your desire to overeat, controlling your appetite to allow you to differentiate between false hunger and true hunger. It also stabilizes insulin output to help manage blood sugar, helping to manage ghrelin (the hunger hormone) in your brain and belly.

Think of GLP-1 medications as a reset for your mind and body. Weight loss is achieved through caloric deficiency, but most people need help to sustain weight loss due to feeling hungry or needing to eat the wrong foods. These medications control your cravings, giving you a second chance to relearn how to eat nutritiously.

What are the side effects?

Any new medication has side effects, and GLP-1 medications are no exception. However, side effects are typically mild and last 1-2 weeks as your body adjusts.

  • Nausea or “foamy” vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Inflammation and feeling bloated.

In rare cases, some people have had allergic reactions to the medication or have reported pancreatitis due to an influx of insulin production. This is usually due to incorrect dosage, so Sota Wellness begins with small doses, adjusting as you see results and experience fewer side effects. That said, GLP-1 medications aren’t for everyone. If you feel sick or are in pain, it may be best to cease use.

Traditional Weight Loss Methods: Common Diet Plans

Traditional weight loss methods vary, and new fad diets that focus on new aspects of dieting are constantly emerging. Low-carb diets, for instance, focus on cutting carbs to lose weight, while intermittent fasting involves fasting until a specific time and then eating a set caloric intake within a few hours. Other diets, like low-fat diets and the Mediterranean diet, focus on eating certain kinds of foods, and then there are diet crazes, like all-liquid diets or all-egg diets.

These weight loss methods are restrictive beyond calorie deficits, which is what you need to ultimately lose weight sustainably. Alone, restrictive diet plans rarely work, which is why new ones pop up every year.

Combining Nutritious Diet Plans with Exercise and GLP-1 Medications

To achieve the best results with GLP-1 medications, developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise is essential.

You don’t need a fad diet, but you do need to know your caloric limits. You can create nutritious, wholesome, filling food plans that keep you satisfied without feeling like you’re depriving yourself. As for exercise, it doesn’t have to be running five miles on a boring treadmill. Working out can be fulfilling and enjoyable, but finding an exercise you love may take trial and error.

When combined with GLP-1 medications, you accomplish weight loss goals quicker with more success. You also develop new, better lifestyle habits that you can carry with you to the future, making it easier to maintain weight loss years after stopping medications.

Side note: Nourishing your body with wholesome, nutrient-dense foods is paramount while taking GLP-1 medications. Some people report diarrhea or stomach discomfort with too much sugar or junk food, so making your diet a lifestyle change helps you avoid uncomfortable side effects.

Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss with Realistic Goals

A nutritious meal plan, exercise, and GLP-1 medications can lead to an effective weight loss venture if followed consistently. Most people fail in their weight loss endeavors because they feel restricted, so we at Sota Wellness must help you achieve a fulfilling, satisfying means of sustainable weight loss.

Realistic means attainable in terms of weight loss. You can safely lose 50 to 100 pounds or more with GLP-1 medications, but it won’t happen overnight. It depends on your dedication, metabolic response, hormonal function, and commitment to a change in lifestyle. It’s a process, and most people safely lose 8 to 10 pounds per month, with significant positive impacts on their overall health and well-being. Slow, steady weight loss is the most sustainable, so setting small goals, like 1 to 2 pounds per week, will help you stay focused and realistic in your expectations.

While GLP-1 medications are great for weight loss, you should strive to focus on health benefits beyond losing fat. Prioritize feeling better, stronger, and more energetic and productive. Think of us at Sota Wellness as your support system, helping you navigate the successes and pitfalls of long-term weight management.

Contact Sota Wellness Today!

Sota Wellness uses assessment, evaluation, and observation to help monitor your progress with GLP-1 medications. We provide comprehensive, individualized plans, determined by your medical history, hormone levels, and lifestyle, to help you shed excess pounds and live as a healthier, happier version of yourself. We want you to thrive and be successful with sustainable weight loss that makes your life easier and more enjoyable.

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