How to Talk to Your Doctor About Starting GLP-1 Medications for Weight Loss


When you’re considering the options for weight loss, GLP-1 receptor agonists are likely to be something you think about. They have become super popular because they are great at helping manage weight, but that’s not all. These meds also have a positive influence on blood sugar levels and appetite.

If you are thinking about talking about GLP-1 medications with your doctor for weight loss, you need to be prepared and knowledgeable as you go into the conversation. Below are several things to be aware of so you can begin that talk effectively.

Understand GLP-1 Medications

Before you schedule a conversation with your doctor, you need to be sure you understand the basics of GLP-1 medications and how they work. GLP (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor agonists are part of a class of drugs that were initially created to help address type 2 diabetes but are also now used for weight management purposes.

These medications are made to emulate the actions of the natural hormone GLP-1 in the body, which has a huge role in the regulation of blood sugar levels. It does this by promoting the release of insulin, suppressing the secretion of glucagon, and delaying the process of gastric emptying. All of these functions are important as they decrease appetite and make people feel fuller for longer.

All of these functions lead to a reduction in caloric intake. When you understand how GLP-1 medications work, you will be better able to appreciate their possible benefits. This gives you the needed information to discuss whether they should be added to your healthcare regimen when you speak to your healthcare provider.

Research Specific Options

When considering GLP-1 medications, you want to make sure you research all the options available to you right now. While they might be similar, they each have unique benefits and potential side effects, so some are going to meet your needs better than others.

Some of the most commonly prescribed drugs are liraglutide (Saxenda), which is usually used for weight management, semaglutide (Wegovy and Ozempic), which is useful for both weight loss and diabetes management, and dulaglutide (Trulicity), this is often used for diabetes but can also be used for weight control. Each of these meds has its own dosing frequency with some needing daily injections and others only weekly.

Being aware of how each med is administered, what the dosage is, and what advantages and side effects to expect, will ensure you have the information you need for a discussion with your healthcare provider about which GLP-1 medication might be the best choice for your medical profile and personal health goals.

Prepare Your Medical History

To have an effective discussion about initiating the use of GLP-1 medications, you need to have all of your medical history available for your healthcare provider. This includes any past and current health conditions, other types of weight loss methods you have already tried, your dietary habits, and any other supplements and medications that you happen to be taking. This information is important for your doctor. They will use it to determine if GLP-1 medications are right for you and to choose and administer a treatment option that meets your overall needs.

Set Realistic Expectations

When you go in to talk to your doctor about GLP-1 medications, you need to be sure you have realistic expectations about what these drugs can help you achieve. While these meds are highly effective, GLP-1 medications are not magic when it comes to providing weight loss. They tend to work best when used in tandem with regular exercise and a healthy diet.  Make sure you discuss your long-term weight management goals and the ways these medications will fit into your other lifestyle changes.

Ask Questions and Address Concerns

When you head into the doctor’s office to talk, make sure you have a list of concerns and questions regarding GLP-1 medications. A few things you might want to talk about include:

  • The cost of the medication and whether it is covered by your insurance.
  • What the potential side effects are and how they can be managed.
  • The best process for monitoring your progress and managing dosages.
  • How the medication will interact with other conditions or prescriptions.
  • The amount of time you may need to stay on this particular medication.

Consider the Entire Weight Loss Journey

While you have a discussion, make sure you communicate information about your previous attempts to lose weight. What worked? What hasn’t gone so well? Why do you think a GLP-1 medication would be helpful? Be honest about your exercise habits, diet, and other lifestyle factors that impact your overall health. Being totally transparent is the best way to ensure your doctor understands your situation and can provide advice for your specific situation.

Listen to Medical Advice

After you state your case to the doctor, be open to what they have to say. They might suggest additional testing, alternative medications, or lifestyle changes before beginning a GLP-1 medication. They might also give you advice regarding how to safely add this kind of medication to your current health routine to get the best results and stay safe.


If it’s decided that you should start a GLP-1 medication, you want to be sure that you schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. These check-ins are important so your treatment plan can be adjusted as needed based on your response to the medication and what side effects you experience.

Advocate for Yourself

If you believe that GLP-1 medications are the best option or you and your doctor is not on the same page, you can always seek a second opinion. You should always feel supported and understood by your healthcare provider.

Talking to your doctor about starting GLP-1 medications for weight loss involves preparing for the steps, understanding what it all entails, and a dose of clear communication. When you do your homework, prepare your medical history, set realistic expectations, and are ready to discuss and listen, you’re ready to move forward and make informed decisions that match your health goals.

Keep in mind that the journey to effective weight management involves a relationship between you and your healthcare provider.



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