Integrating Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy into Your Wellness Routine

IV Vitamin Infusions bioidentical hormone therapy

Hormones are chemical components that flow throughout your mind and body, controlling various aspects of everyday function. Predominant for reproductive health, hormones like estrogen and testosterone also control strength in muscles and bones, energy levels and vitality, libido, and sexual function, and responses to stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. When hormones are unbalanced, your mind and body suffer, exhibiting symptoms through extreme fatigue, poor body temperature control, unexplained weight gain and increase in appetite, and loss of interest in things that you once enjoyed. Most health issues, especially those that affect cognitive function, can be attributed to some hormonal imbalance, which becomes a more significant issue as you age.

Aging is the number one cause of hormonal imbalance, but genetics and toxic lifestyle habits, like smoking and excessive drinking, are also factors. You can feel when your hormones are out of alignment because something feels…off. You feel odd and not like yourself, perhaps not as productive, and maybe more depressed or emotionally unstable than usual. Imbalances can wreak havoc on your life, hindering its quality and holding you back from being a happier, healthier version of yourself.

For women, estrogen and progesterone are dominant hormones that control reproductive wellness, including regular menstrual cycles and bone density. For men, testosterone is vital in maintaining muscle mass, erectile function, and energy production. Stress is a hormonal scrambler for everyone, as it can produce high cortisol levels, causing weight gain, inflammation, and lowered metabolic output.

To be healthy, hormonal balance is essential. While imbalances are easily diagnosed, it’s not the first thing a healthcare provider may look for if you have health problems. However, almost every health-related issue has some base in hormones. Hence, balancing your hormonal levels with methods like bio-identical hormone replacement therapies from Sota Wellness is paramount.  

Understanding BHRT: A Key Component of Wellness

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy utilizes hormones that are chemically similar to those in the human body. Sourced from plants, these hormones mimic natural functions, supplementing human hormones to restore balance. The benefits are natural and personalized, tailored to meet your needs because everyone’s body reacts differently to different hormones. With the correct dosage of BHRT, you can rejuvenate your mind and body, bringing back a better quality of life.

Assessing Your Hormone Health to Determine an Imbalance

Hormones fluctuate based on different times of day, so your hormone levels may be higher or lower in the morning than they are for the rest of the day. Hence, many healthcare providers strive for assessments in the morning to get the most accurate hormone level readings. Imbalances present various symptoms, such as:

  • Mood swings, extreme anxiety, and depression.
  • Sleep disturbances, like insomnia and problems staying asleep for longer than 1-2 hours at a time.
  • Chronic fatigue and exhaustion or low energy levels throughout the day.
  • Sudden weight gain or rapid weight loss, unexplained and without changes in exercise or diet.

Testing for hormone imbalances is most common through blood tests and is considered the leader in accuracy and effectiveness. However, some hormones, like cortisol (the stress hormone), can be measured in saliva or urine, giving a comprehensive overview of metabolic output.

How Positive Lifestyle Changes Complement BHRT

Some hormone imbalances can be attributed to poor lifestyle habits, like smoking, poor food choices, a sedentary lifestyle, or excessive drinking. It would be best to change to a lifestyle of nutritious, wholesome foods and regular exercise that includes cardio and strength training to enhance your overall health and well-being. Stop smoking or drinking excessively and dedicate more time to healthy self-care routines. Committing to your health will positively impact your hormone levels, making nourishing your mind and body easier.

  • Avoid processed sugars and foods that spike your blood sugar.
  • Support metabolic health with lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  • Stay hydrated with at least 64 ounces of water every day.
  • Practice stress-reducing techniques like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises. Incorporate things that you love to do, like reading or painting. Make time for yourself to relax.
  • Regulate hormones with workouts you like, such as kickboxing or lifting weights. Sweat and put effort into your exercise to get your endorphins flowing.
  • Strive to sleep 7 to 9 hours per night. By creating a relaxing bedtime routine, you can encourage your body and mind to want to snooze.
  • Take care of your mind with hobbies that make you feel good!

While bio-identical hormone replacement therapy goes a long way in balancing your hormone levels and relieving symptoms of imbalance, you can complement the therapies with the techniques above. Positive lifestyle changes can be helpful in tandem with BHRT.

Monitoring and Adjusting Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Sota Wellness helps you develop a solid, actionable, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy plan. We follow up with scheduled appointments to assess the effectiveness of your current dosage. We document your symptoms and keep track of BHRT dosages, adjusting as needed to improve your treatment.

While we at Sota Wellness do our best to monitor your fluctuating hormone levels, feedback helps us, too. Communicate how you feel–whether you feel improvement in symptoms or if some symptoms have worsened. Being aware of how you feel is one way in which we can improve your treatment and adjust medication dosages if needed.

Combining BHRT with Other Wellness Practices

Some people find benefits in self-care and other wellness practices to improve their outlook and promote feelings of good health. Therapies like acupuncture and massage can be used with BHRT to provide a sense of relaxation. When you feel good, your body releases endorphins and serotonin, promoting hormonal balance in your mind and body. This, combined with collaborative care from the healthcare team at Sota Wellness, provides a well-rounded approach to long-term wellness.

Sota Wellness offers a patient-centered approach to care and good health. We prioritize your wellness with support, encouragement, and empowerment. Call us to learn more about how bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can help you restore balance to your life!


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